Veneers are capable of taking teeth in just about any condition and transforming them into the smile of your dreams. Whether it’s chips, cracks, discoloration, or misalignment, veneers can address just about any cosmetic issue you could be dealing with.
However, you may not know that veneers also require your dentist to remove a little bit of your enamel, which can make some people uncomfortable. Here’s a guide to how much enamel that will need to be, and why it’s necessary to remove it at all.
How Much Enamel Needs to be Removed?
When you hear that some of your permanent enamel needs to be removed to make room for veneers, the thought of that might put you off. However, that’s referring to a microscopic amount of enamel, less than half a millimeter thick. This tiny sliver of enamel isn’t enough to reach the inner layers of your teeth, and removing it is vitally important to the look and feel of your veneers.
Why Does Enamel Need to be Removed?
Veneers are made of thin shells of porcelain, and can layer easily onto the tooth. However, they are thick enough that if you placed them onto your teeth without removing anything from them, you would probably notice that your teeth look thicker than they did before.
This can take your very luxurious cosmetics and make them look “fake,” which is the last thing most people who get veneers would want.
The Permanence of Veneers
While the amount of enamel removed from your teeth is miniscule, it is important to protecting the interior of your teeth. Without it, you could experience a fair amount of sensitivity to hot and cold. Your veneers will be able to protect the interior of your teeth from the outside, but that means that you’ll be reliant on them to prevent that sensitivity.
If your veneers ever break, or if you lose one, you’re going to have to replace it if you want to keep your smile strong and free from sensitivity.
The permanence of veneers is certainly worth considering, but if you’re looking to cover multiple cosmetic issues all at once, there’s no better way to do it!
About the Author
Dr. Jon Kirlough’s favorite part about being a dentist is getting to meet new people and to help them with his work. Nothing makes him happier than being able to improve people’s health and confidence at the same time. Dr. Kirlough graduated from The Ohio State University College of Dentistry before joining the Navy as a dental officer, where he earned a Meritorious Unit Commendation and a Navy Achievement Medal for his work.
If you have any questions about veneers, he can be reached at his website or by phone at (440) 234-2445.