Though it may sound surprising, your dentures need to be regularly cleaned. Even artificial teeth can gather harmful bacteria and other debris. As such, you may think cleaning them while they’re still in your mouth is okay. After all, isn’t that the most obvious method? Surely tooth replacements can handle brushing like the real deal. However, this sentiment isn’t true; you should take out your false teeth first. Read on to learn why cleaning dentures when they’re “in use” isn’t ideal.
Why Not Brush Dentures While They’re in Your Mouth?
Technically, you can brush your dentures while using them. So long as you avoid abrasive toothpaste and stiff bristles, the practice shouldn’t damage your prosthetics. It could sometimes help you freshen up between meals too.
That said, you need to remove your dentures to perform a thorough cleaning. There are many places your toothbrush won’t reach otherwise. The consequence would be an increase in harmful mouth bacteria, which raise your risk of gum disease and other oral health problems. Avoiding these long-term issues requires taking the dentures out when cleaning them.
How Should You Clean Them Instead?
To enjoy your false teeth as long as you can, consider the following tips:
- Remove and Brush Your Dentures Daily: After carefully removing them from your mouth, brush your dentures with a soft-bristled toothbrush all across their surfaces. Doing so will remove lingering food debris and plaque.
- Use Proper Toothpaste: It’s best to use regular toothpaste (or a dentist-recommended brand) when cleaning your existing teeth. Normal cleansers will reduce the bacteria that could migrate toward your false ones. For your dentures, though, you’ll need a specialized cleaning paste.
- Give Your Dentures Regular Soaks: Before bed every night, keep your dentures in a glass of water or denture solution so they stay moist. You could also soak them in vinegar water to remove accumulated tartar.
- Be Careful: Clean your dentures over a basin half-filled with water. That way, you can make sure they won’t break if you drop them.
Beyond the practices above, talk to your local dentist for more denture care guidance. They’ll be happy to help your restored smile stay healthy and clean!
About the Practice
Kirlough Family Dentistry is based in Cleveland, OH. As led by its owner Dr. Jon Kirlough, the practice strives to give all dental patients the best smile possible. To that end, its staff offers preventive, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry, including emergency treatments. Whether you need to clean your teeth, whiten them, or replace them with dentures, the Kirlough Family has your back. For more information or to book an appointment, you can reach them at their website or by phone at (440)-234-2445.